Friday, 15 March 2013

መለስ ዜናዊ ኤርትራን ለማስገንጠል ለተባበሩት መንግሥታት ዋና ጸሃፊ የጻፈው የተማጽኖ ደብዳቤ

ይህን መለስ ዜናዊ ኤርትራን ተሎ እንድትገነጠልለትና በዚያን ግዜ የተባበሩት መንግስታት ዋና ጸሃፊ ለነበሩት መለዝ ዜናዊ ደብዳቤ በመላክ የለመንበትን ደብዳቤ ያገኘሁት አቶ ተክሌ የሻው “ታደግ” በሚል ርዕስ በመጋቢት 2003 ዓ.ም በጻፉትና ባሳተሙት መጽሃፍ በገጽ 223-224 ነው። ፎቶ ኮፕ የሆነውና ዋናው ደብዳቦ በዚህ መጽሃፍ በገጽ 225-226 ይገኛል።
13 December 1991
Excellency, Mr. Secretary-Gener ­al,
As your Excellency is well aware, the transitional government period in Ethiopiahighlights the task of redressing the causes of the 30-year civil war in Eritrea and of establishing the basis of permanent peace and stability.
It is to be recalled that the conference on peace and Democracy in Ethiopia, held inAddis Ababa from 1-5 July 1991, adopted a charter affirming that freedom, equal rights and self-determinat ­ion of all peoples are the cardinal principles governing state affairs in new Ethiopia. In light of this, the conference formally recognized that the people of Eritrea have the right to determine their own future themselves and accepted that the future status of Eritrea should be decided by the Eritrean people in a referendum to be conducted in the presence of international observers. The provisional Government of Eritrea set by EPLF, on its part, decided to deter the referendum for two years which, we believe, contributes to the maintenance of peace and stability in our sub-region. Atthe same time, agreement was reached on the modalities of relationship between the Transitional Government of Ethiopia and theProvisional Government of Eritrea for the interim period.
Both the transitional Government of Ethiopia and the Provisional Government of Eritrea have registered their commitments to respect the results of the referendum in Eritrea as the genuine choice of the people concerned, expressed in an exercise of self-determinat ­ion.
The Transitional Governmentof Ethiopia, as an interested party in the outcome of the referendum, has the firm conviction that the referendum will be free and fair, and believes that the United Nations should play anactive role in verifying that the referendum is, indeed, fair and free.
In this regard, the Transitional Government of Ethiopia wishes to bring the attention of your Excellency the need to *…………………………………… …………………………………… ……………………… *to play this role and make the necessary arrangements with the Provisional Government of Eritrea to facilitate the ways and meansfor the UN supervision of thereferendum. The TransitionalGovernment of Ethiopia also wishes to point out that the time available for preparationin this regard is very short.
With highest considerations,
Meles Zenawi
President of the Transitional
Governement of Ethiopia
H.E. Javier Peraz de Cuellar
Secretary-Gener­al of the United Nations
UN Headquarters
*……..* Missing part/ ­Unreadable part from the photocopied document.
http:// ­www.cyberethiopi ­ ­viewtopic.php?p= ­479650&sid=5bc0 ­2f08cbcbb99008b ­07d658bb6f88f

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